
Originally the idea came from a local radio station. They kept "The List", a list of phrases said during the week that stood on their own and were funny as hell. They were phrases that not only inspired giggles and snorts, but frequently prompted the question "what brought THAT up?" When playing on a messageboard I would frequently see something that would remind me of The List. Finally I broke down and started recording them. I've done this for about four years... five years? It's been a while. Lo and behold I'm noticing the same thing in the blog world. So why not? Let's have our quotables recorded!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Quotes - February 20, 2010

The Retirement Chronicles    : I don't sit around and think about whales' tongues

Wonderful World of Wieners    : it's not uncommon at all for me to start vibrating at random times throughout the day.

Parenting By Dummies    : he freaks out if he detects that he is actually being filmed so I have to get all Candid Camera on him

Pajamas & Coffee    : acting like a general asshole douchesicle ice whore

Airing My Dirty Laundry One Sock At A Time    : I dubbed them the Pepto Bismol Pancakes.

Lyn Upside Down    : lets not even discuss the irony of "Sounds of Silence" thundering through the ceiling again.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Quotes - February 14, 2010

Not That Kind of Girl    : I hereby declare myself cured of any need to eat: 1) marine life; 2) living shit; 3) live, raw marine life. I can still feel that little fucker dancing in my stomach like a deleted scene from Fantasia.

Bye Bye Pie    : not only did I have Peter Frampton hair, I had HUGE Peter Frampton hair

Mass Hole Mommy    : No one wants to kiss you with a dead animal on your face.

The Bloggess    : Hitler would be like 120 years old now so yeah, I'm fairly sure he's really dead. Hitler was an asshole...not a vampire.

West Family Adventures    : I'm borderline genius in my subconsciousness

Pure Natural Diva    : I left my own party in very dramatic fashion, taking someone else’s husband with me!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Quotes - February 8, 2010

Bye Bye Pie    : What are you, a tampon machine?

The Bloggess    : I’m suing Natalie because I bet she’d be fun to hang out with in court.

Peeling An Orange With A Screwdriver    : I am considering inventing the "Emperor" size bed

Not That Kind of Girl    : in real life I do not know where to put my eyes when you want me to look into your soul.

Unknown Mami    : I'm not big on VD, the day or the disease.

Pajamas and Coffee    : how much fun would like Alpha-Bits poetry slams or haiku contests be?

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Quotes - February 4, 2010

Hyperbole And A Half    : I'm running away and trying to find Santa Claus because that's the only way to survive a bear attack

Bye Bye Pie    : Yes, I do dream of noses.

My Own Brand of Crazy    : Don't we have any prognosticating badgers?

Bye Bye Pie    : we went out and built a snowdrunk