The Bloggess : I pointed out that unexpected pandas are good practice for when you have a home invasion because if you aren’t rattled by spontaneous pandas then you’re probably going to be able to keep your cool during the zombie apocalypse.
Fetch My Flying Monkeys : What kind of hippy voodoo bullshit is this?
Funny or Snot : If he's not walking by Thursday, he's going to a different kind of church. You know the kind where they slap the sick kid on the forehead and cry "Heal Child". I need a professional because it didn't work when I tried it at home.
As Cape Cod Turns : we called it "musical beds"
Motherhood Uncensored : I know a few people who need to be put in a "LOL" time out.
Lola is 40 : At what point does a backyard officially become a cemetery?