
Originally the idea came from a local radio station. They kept "The List", a list of phrases said during the week that stood on their own and were funny as hell. They were phrases that not only inspired giggles and snorts, but frequently prompted the question "what brought THAT up?" When playing on a messageboard I would frequently see something that would remind me of The List. Finally I broke down and started recording them. I've done this for about four years... five years? It's been a while. Lo and behold I'm noticing the same thing in the blog world. So why not? Let's have our quotables recorded!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Quotes - June 5, 2010

Office_Cubism    : Thank you for your radish management

Eternally Distracted    : May the only pain in your life be champagne.

Peeling An Orange with A Screwdriver    : Kids make you do things you never thought possible and it all starts the minute you shove them out of that impossibly small exit between your legs.

Mom and Mommer    : remember you have the power of the mystical vagina on your side

The Bean    : I bet I dream about drunk unicorns tonight.

The Bloggess    : comforters are like giant shamwows 

Not That Kind of Girl    : Bathroom breaks at work are approximately 500% more fun when you spend thirty seconds twisting your pelvis to admire the light playing on your crotch disco ball.

Stacie’s Madness    : Mr.F and I will be doing it Paul Bunyan style.

Alone With Cats    : you’re wondering how wicked cool it would have been to go to college in the fucking air?


  1. Wow. It was an honor just to be nominated. Wait, was I nominated? I'm not really sure what your process is. I guess it's not an honor if I wasn't nominated. And yet ... thank you.

  2. Wow. It was an honor just to be nominated. Wait, was I nominated? I'm not really sure what your process is. I guess it's not an honor if I wasn't nominated. And yet ... thank you.

  3. Goddamn, I LOVE THESE!!!!

    I think I'm digging the whole 'Paul Bunyan' style screwing!!!!!!

    Checking that shit out now! There better be visual aids!
